Dear frustrated genital herpes sufferer,
If you want to walk through life unaffected by herpes stigma in almost every way. Full of confidence and vitality and living the life you desire DESPITE having genital herpes, without spending endless amounts of money on bullshit herbal "cures" that never work, then this is the most important letter you will ever read...
I will explain how...
But first, let me ask you this...
Have you ever experienced these symptoms after your genital herpes diagnosis?
- You are scared you will never be loved again
- You feel like you will be alone for the rest of your life
- You can't muster up the courage to date
- You are too scared to have sex
- OR WORSE - you have sex with another without telling them for fear they will run away!
- You have low self-esteem and self-worth
- You lose your gusto for life
- You have increased anxiety for fear of others finding out
- You are scared to disclose you have herpes to a potential sexual partner
- You feel intense shame about having genital herpes
- You feel overwhelmed and don't know how you can live your life with genital herpes
- You feel "dirty" or "diseased"
- You feel personally attacked whenever you hear a herpes joke
- You feel helpless and defeated, with no way out
And not only that, you've looked EVERYWHERE for a cure. Herbal cures, topical cures, dietary cures. EVERY cure under the sun. You've found out that these are all hoaxes and only give you minor relief from the deeper reality - you have to FACE THE FACTS that you are now living with genital herpes. The worst part is these hoaxes leave you with the following questions:
"How will I ever find love? How will I ever have children? How can I face my life living with genital herpes?"
The worst thing about finding out all the supposed "cures" are false is that they leave you with such an empty feeling inside. As though you are caught in a nightmare and can't wake up...
Do you know how I know this?
"I've suffered with genital herpes for over 5 years"
Like you, I tried everything under the sun and MORE. I spent thousands of dollars on fake cures desperately trying to find a way to "get rid of" my genital herpes diagnosis.
During the worst of it I went so far as to seriously consider ending my life because I didn't see any other way out...
"I was so ashamed and so fearful of being found out that I REFUSED to tell anyone of my status for 2 years. Not even my closest friends and family."
I was determined to die with this “dirty little secret” and NEVER allowing a single soul know.
And although I appeared to be going okay on the outside, on the inside I was festering with toxic thoughts and complete self-disgust and self-hatred. I was masking deep unhappiness with fake smiles, fake laughter and alcohol.
As time went on I knew I would have to face the internal demons at some point, but continued to push them down. The emotional toxicity within my body starting manifesting in strange physical symptoms such as prolonged outbreaks and erectile dysfunction.
"I hit a breaking point where I said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"
Thus began the journey of self-acceptance and breaking through of the herpes stigma. It was a lot of trial-and-error. A lot of workshops. A lot of mentors and coaches. A lot of personal investment. A lot of deep (and sometimes painful) inner work.
But I finally found a SIMPLE step-by-step method that had me attracting the woman of my dreams, having a beautiful child and living happier and more confidently than I've ever been - all while living with genital herpes!
"And best of all, my physical symptoms have not come back for years because I am so stress-free, confident and happy"
I'm happy to say my life has never been better. I have never been more confident and I have never felt so ALIVE. All from the simple mindset hacks, tools and techniques that I learned over the years.
It got me thinking - why does the general public not know about these methods?
"It's time for you to regain your life back, attract the partner of your dreams and finally live a life YOU DESERVE free from genital herpes stigma"
The Breakthrough Method is a simple step-by-step program that will help you re-own your worth, your self-esteem and your LIFE.
The system is a 31 day online program, which can be done anywhere, any time and in the comfort of your own home.
Not only that, but you'll re-discover your mojo, your confidence and be beaming with vitality!
... just as The Breakthrough Method has done for these past suffers:
Caitlyn B
Brisbane, Australia
"I wanted to say THANK YOU for this. Your method goes way beyond what I expected, and got to the root of my depression and self-esteem issues. I'm finally gaining the confidence to go on dates again, and am just happy to feel like a normal person like I used to. THANK YOU AGAIN!!"
Jeffrey K
California, USA
"I didn't know quite what to expect when I signed up for this, but I'd tried everything else and thought 'why not?'. All I have to say is WOAH. Your program took me to places I'd never even thought of and really got to the heart of my self-hatred stories. If you're thinking about doing Aaron's program, stop thinking and just do it - best decision you'll ever make"
Jessie J
Texas, USA
"Hello! I want to share my experience with The Breakthrough Method. At first I was unsure about it but gradually the results proved that I was wrong. I was reluctant; it is hard to imagine that you can live as good a life as before genital herpes. As time went on and I kept doing each day of the program I felt better about myself and more confident every day. I recently went on a date and disclosed to the guy - we've been dating ever since! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you're on the fence just give this a go!"
Graham S
New Zealand
"I've been suffering from genital herpes since my early twenties. I tried countless products but I kept getting outbreak after outbreak. I decided to try a different route after my best friend pointed me to your program. I thought it was a bit crazy, overcoming herpes stigma with your mind?? But I figured it was the only option I had at this point. All I gotta say man is this, thank god I gave this a go. I don't want to speak too soon, but I haven't had an outbreak in months since completing the program and that's the longest I've gone without an outbreak for a long time. Thanks again brother."